What is it?
In late 2013 the Midnight Sun Council Executive Board agreed that we were underserving both the communities off the road system and Alaska Native youth at large. It was resolved that an Outreach program be created to connect more strongly to these communites in the Midnight Sun Council’s service area. The BSA National Council agreed fully with the resolution and awarded a grant to the Council to help pursue this initiative. In mid-2014 a full time paraprofessional Outreach Director was hired to coordinate this program’s efforts.
Mission and Purpose
To bring the benefits and programs of Scouting to rural and underserved communities in the Interior and North Slope regions of Alaska through the efforts and commitment of the Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America’s staff and volunteers.
Who is this for?
This program aims to bring youth from Alaskan communities off the road system and Alaska Native youth at large in to the family of Scouting. We plan on engaging with rural and tribal governments, schools, and community organizations to establish traditional Scouting Packs, Troops and Crews, as well as the more scholastic and job oriented Learning for Life programs.
Where is this happening?
While a good portion of the work will take place in Alaskan Bush communities, some of the Outreach programs will happen locally in the Tanana Valley. This will happen through a creation of one or two new Outreach focused Units as well as interfacing with established Units.
How can you help?
If you have experience working in the Bush or with the Alaska Native community we want to hear from you! If you have knowledge, time and ideas to share, we want to hear from you! You can reach the Scout Executive: Stephen Smith by phone locally at 907-452-1976, toll free at 1-800-973-1976, or via email at stephen.smith@scouting.org.