District Committee

District Committee

District Committees have four functions: Unit Service, Program, Membership, and Finance. To function in all of these areas, we have many volunteers who care specifically about each of these areas. No matter what your experience or skills, we can use help in a variety of areas and subcommittees. Contact the Council Service Center if you have an interest in volunteering at the District level.


Tanana Valley District Committee Officers:

The Tanana Valley District Committee meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.

District Chair: Hank Bartos

District Vice-Chair: VACANT

District Commissioner: Mike Galloway

District Roundtable Chair: Nathan Platt
District Membership Chair: Ethan Kahl

District Finance Chair: Elad Levy

District Training Chair: VACANT

District Camping and Outdoor Activity Chair: VACANT

District Awards and Advancement Chair: Kenny Grant

District Activities and Service Chair: Kehaulani Widell



Bush District Committee Officers:

The Bush District Committee meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.


District Commissioner:   VACANT

District Chair:  Don Frazier

District Program/Activities Chair:  Dean Jazzo

District Vice Chairman:  VACANT

District Roundtable and Advancement Chair: Brad Kilburn



District Picnic

District Picnic


more information coming soon!

We are looking forward to planning this celebration of our hardworking Volunteers when gathering restrictions are lifted! 

The Tanana Valley District Picnic is our annual gathering of District and Unit Volunteer staff.





Council Rock


Cub Scout, Scouts BSA

 Council Rock 2024 

When: Sep 13-15th, 2024

Time: Activities start at 8:30 am Saturday

Where: Lost Lake Camp

How to Register for Council Rock 2024


1) Register Online: Scan QR code on flyer or click the following link to access event:
2) Pack Leaders + Adults:
a. Be prepared to enter your YPT date when you register. (ie. YPT
needs to be up-to-date before your register).
b. Lions and Tigers must have a guardian present the whole event.
3) Once you submit the form you will be provided with a link to pay by credit card. Options for payment:
a. Cash or Check: Visit the Midnight Sun Council at 1400 Gillam Way Fairbanks, AK 99701 and submit payment.
b. Credit Card:
 i. Over the Phone: Call the council office and pay over the phone (907) 452-1976
Square accepts these forms of payment:
4) Registrants should receive a copy of their registration form via email. If you have any questions if your registration went through, please contact Stacy or Phil at the scout
5) Pack and Troop leaders will be responsible for ensuring two-deep leadership and current YPT prior to the event. They will be contacted by council office if we need to create cohorts or have lack of leaders attending. Our goal is to group scouts by rank to get the most out of their Lost Lake camp experience!



Family Camp

Family Camp

 Midnight Sun Council’s Annual Family Camp


Midnight Sun Council announces our Annual Family Camp Held at the Lost Lake Scout Camp.

Take part in some family fun:  swimming, canoeing, fishing, BBshooting, archery shooting

Enjoy dining in the canoeing renovated Honor
lodge with all meals prepared by the camp cooking staff.

When: TBD
Where: Lost Lake Scout Camp
The four-day experience is $100 dollars per adult and youth are $75.

A deposit of $100 dollars per family is due no later than TBD, with the full balance due

Register at the Midnight Sun Council office in person or by calling the office @ 907-452-1976









Every year the District organizes two Camp-0-Rees, fall and spring. Generally the cost is $15 to $20 per scout and leader. At every Camp-0-Ree there is a competition of varying types to determine the “honor patrol.” There is a travelling trophey that is passed to the winning patrol at the end of each Camp-0-Ree. The other long time favorite is the “Golden Skillet.” This is another travelling trophey; the awardee is the winner of the cooking competition that ussually occurs on Saturday afternoon.


Day Camp


Cub Scout Day Camp 2024

 May 21-23, 2024


Is your cub ready to have three fun-filled adventures as they run, explore, and create? We will have crafts, STEM, BBs, archery, and more outdoor adventures planned! New program updates are included for scouts!

May 21st – 23rd / Tuesday – Thursday Day Camp, 8:30a to 3:30pm daily / Late pick up until 5pm

Cost: $125 Early Registration / $150 after March 25th. Late pick-up is $15/day.

Location: Birch Hill Recreation Area

Who can attend? Scouts that will be 5 years of age / entering Kindergarten in the fall (Lion) through 11 years of age and entering 5th grade (Arrow of Light).


Campership Applications are available at Scout office. Adults who volunteer as station leaders or Wolf, Bear, or Webelos den leader for all three days receive $25 off per scout! Discounts will be taken off at the MSC office.


Registrations made after April 24th are not guaranteed a t-shirt, so early sign-up is recommended!


We need washed 24oz spaghetti jars for a project. Please drop them off at the Council office.


We still need Scout BSA and adult volunteers. We need at least 3 adults to volunteer for shooting sports. All shooting sports volunteers need to be range certified by Ranger Rick before Day Camp. We have multiple training times available. Please contact Amanda @ foley.amanda.scouts@gmail.com or Tasmine at tasmine.bennett@scouting.org if you are interested in volunteer positions.


View/download Parent Packet/Individual Cub Registration

View/download Leader Packet

View/download Campership – scholarship application form

View/download Health/Medical Records

Click here for online fillable Health/Medical Records  (ONLY Part A and Part B need to be filled out!)





Cub Scout Day Camp 2021 – Farming under the Midnight Sun

195377050 10159838384097878 7237164024168697850 n  195650357 10159838384327878 8554129555119337270 n

195663313 10159838384002878 992081569452529592 n  195498957 10159838383682878 3253158421421446570 n

 196535435 10159838380672878 5482793094415236418 n  197052113 10159838383837878 178243575277871565 n

                      195266773 10159838380827878 7313278114108043594 n  195470887 10159838384087878 6839743153044189650 n


View/download Day Camp Registration Packet 

View/download Campership – scholarship application form

View/download Health/Medical Records

Click here for online fillable Health/Medical Records  (ONLY Part A and Part B need to be filled out!)





Day Camp June 2020

2020DayCamp d1 Dir station 2020DayCamp d1 COVID check in 2020DayCamp d1 shooting range 2020 CSDayCamp 12020 CSDayCamp 2 2020 CSDayCamp 3 2020 CSDayCamp 5 2020 CSDayCamp 62020 CSDayCamp 7 2020 CSDayCamp 8





Fall Camporee


2024 Fall Camporee

Amazing Race Camporee!

Scouts will race in patrols to complete eight different Scout skills and try to be the first to cross the finish line. 

To be able to get access to Fort Wainwright we


to be registered with Full Name and DOB!


Final Day for Registration is September 24, 2024

When:              September 27th – 29th, 2024

Where:          Glass Park, Fort Wainwright, Alaska (directions forthcoming in Leaders’ Guide and via Scoutmaster email correspondence)


Early Bird Registration:  $20 until 9/18/2024

Regular Rate: $25 from 9/19/2024 – 9/24/2024


click here to register for this event

click here to view/download 2024 Fall Camporee Leaders Guide