Council Rock


Cub Scout, Scouts BSA

 Council Rock 2024 

When: Sep 13-15th, 2024

Time: Activities start at 8:30 am Saturday

Where: Lost Lake Camp

How to Register for Council Rock 2024


1) Register Online: Scan QR code on flyer or click the following link to access event:
2) Pack Leaders + Adults:
a. Be prepared to enter your YPT date when you register. (ie. YPT
needs to be up-to-date before your register).
b. Lions and Tigers must have a guardian present the whole event.
3) Once you submit the form you will be provided with a link to pay by credit card. Options for payment:
a. Cash or Check: Visit the Midnight Sun Council at 1400 Gillam Way Fairbanks, AK 99701 and submit payment.
b. Credit Card:
 i. Over the Phone: Call the council office and pay over the phone (907) 452-1976
Square accepts these forms of payment:
4) Registrants should receive a copy of their registration form via email. If you have any questions if your registration went through, please contact Stacy or Phil at the scout
5) Pack and Troop leaders will be responsible for ensuring two-deep leadership and current YPT prior to the event. They will be contacted by council office if we need to create cohorts or have lack of leaders attending. Our goal is to group scouts by rank to get the most out of their Lost Lake camp experience!



Family Camp

Family Camp

 Midnight Sun Council’s Annual Family Camp


Midnight Sun Council announces our Annual Family Camp Held at the Lost Lake Scout Camp.

Take part in some family fun:  swimming, canoeing, fishing, BBshooting, archery shooting

Enjoy dining in the canoeing renovated Honor
lodge with all meals prepared by the camp cooking staff.

When: TBD
Where: Lost Lake Scout Camp
The four-day experience is $100 dollars per adult and youth are $75.

A deposit of $100 dollars per family is due no later than TBD, with the full balance due

Register at the Midnight Sun Council office in person or by calling the office @ 907-452-1976









Every year the District organizes two Camp-0-Rees, fall and spring. Generally the cost is $15 to $20 per scout and leader. At every Camp-0-Ree there is a competition of varying types to determine the “honor patrol.” There is a travelling trophey that is passed to the winning patrol at the end of each Camp-0-Ree. The other long time favorite is the “Golden Skillet.” This is another travelling trophey; the awardee is the winner of the cooking competition that ussually occurs on Saturday afternoon.


Day Camp


Cub Scout Day Camp 2024

 May 21-23, 2024


Is your cub ready to have three fun-filled adventures as they run, explore, and create? We will have crafts, STEM, BBs, archery, and more outdoor adventures planned! New program updates are included for scouts!

May 21st – 23rd / Tuesday – Thursday Day Camp, 8:30a to 3:30pm daily / Late pick up until 5pm

Cost: $125 Early Registration / $150 after March 25th. Late pick-up is $15/day.

Location: Birch Hill Recreation Area

Who can attend? Scouts that will be 5 years of age / entering Kindergarten in the fall (Lion) through 11 years of age and entering 5th grade (Arrow of Light).


Campership Applications are available at Scout office. Adults who volunteer as station leaders or Wolf, Bear, or Webelos den leader for all three days receive $25 off per scout! Discounts will be taken off at the MSC office.


Registrations made after April 24th are not guaranteed a t-shirt, so early sign-up is recommended!


We need washed 24oz spaghetti jars for a project. Please drop them off at the Council office.


We still need Scout BSA and adult volunteers. We need at least 3 adults to volunteer for shooting sports. All shooting sports volunteers need to be range certified by Ranger Rick before Day Camp. We have multiple training times available. Please contact Amanda @ or Tasmine at if you are interested in volunteer positions.


View/download Parent Packet/Individual Cub Registration

View/download Leader Packet

View/download Campership – scholarship application form

View/download Health/Medical Records

Click here for online fillable Health/Medical Records  (ONLY Part A and Part B need to be filled out!)





Cub Scout Day Camp 2021 – Farming under the Midnight Sun

195377050 10159838384097878 7237164024168697850 n  195650357 10159838384327878 8554129555119337270 n

195663313 10159838384002878 992081569452529592 n  195498957 10159838383682878 3253158421421446570 n

 196535435 10159838380672878 5482793094415236418 n  197052113 10159838383837878 178243575277871565 n

                      195266773 10159838380827878 7313278114108043594 n  195470887 10159838384087878 6839743153044189650 n


View/download Day Camp Registration Packet 

View/download Campership – scholarship application form

View/download Health/Medical Records

Click here for online fillable Health/Medical Records  (ONLY Part A and Part B need to be filled out!)





Day Camp June 2020

2020DayCamp d1 Dir station 2020DayCamp d1 COVID check in 2020DayCamp d1 shooting range 2020 CSDayCamp 12020 CSDayCamp 2 2020 CSDayCamp 3 2020 CSDayCamp 5 2020 CSDayCamp 62020 CSDayCamp 7 2020 CSDayCamp 8





Friends of scouting

Friends of Scouting

Introducing the 2021 Fund the Adventure patch which showcases the Scouting program through the pandemic we started to face during 2020. The challenges were difficult to overcome but with the tenacity and determination of our volunteers and youth we continued to bring quality program and continued support our youth!


The new FOS Coin goes right along with our theme of STEM this year!

A $250 donation will get this limited-edition coin which is also the 2nd coin in our Scout law series with a blow-up picture of our Scouts in action right from our very own Fund the Adventure Patch. It depicts that Scouting continues even during a pandemic.

Do not wait to send in this year’s donation to secure your coin and fill your plaque (Plaques are also available if you have filled your previous plaque or if this is your first year donating)

 For more information contact CJ Stewart via email at or call the Council office at (907) 452-1976.

Click here or scan the QR code below to donate directly online.






You can also just send a filled out FOS Pledge card (see link below) to the Council office

Click here for a FOS Pledge Card





“My Friends, No great endeavor is accomplished alone.”

The time is fast approaching us now for our annual Friends of Scouting presentations to each unit. We conduct this unit level campaign through presentations made preferably at a Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet, Boy Scout Court of Honor, and Venture parent’s night. Presentations are typically 5 to 7 minutes with time to collect pledge cards.

“Friends of Scouting” is a campaign to provide financial support to your local council. In our case, that is Midnight Sun Council. This support is in the form of a pledge or donation from a company, organization or individual to ensure the financial viability of a council. Each council, including Midnight Sun Council, must raise all of its own funds to support its operating budget. Councils receive excellent program support from our National office but no financial support is provided. Scouting continues to grow and thrive within our council for many reasons, not the least of which is funding. The Midnight Sun Council serves not only the Fairbanks North Star Borough but approximately 279,000 square miles (49%) of the State of Alaska. Each year the Friends of Scouting campaign is conducted annually among the parents of Scouts and volunteer leaders. Families are the ones who see firsthand the benefit of Scouting for their child. District and unit volunteers conduct the campaign in order to give all Scout families the opportunity to support the Scouting program. During the months of January through April, each Pack, Troop, Crew and Post should schedule a “Family” Friends of Scouting presentation. This presentation explains to parents how our Council is financed and educates them about our facilities, camps, resources and funding needs.




Since Scouting began in 1910, its variety of programs have helped children succeed and has provided a lifetime of memories to each child. The mission of the Midnight Sun Council Endowment Fund is to solicit and receive contributions and dispense funds to assist and support ongoing programs, development needs and operational expenses of the Midnight Sun Council, BSA. The long-range goals for the Endowment is to provide not only a reliable source of the distributable income, but to have the assets positioned and managed to provide for anticipated yearly increases in the needs of the Council.

Midnight Sun Council Heritage Society:
The Heritage Society is the collective group of individuals who have contributed to the Midnight Sun Council’s Endowment Fund. The Fund provides a reliable source of funding to support Scouting programs now and into the future. Membership in the Heritage Society starts with a donation of $250 to the endowment fund. Additional giving levels within the society:

* Heritage Society Member: $250 minimum
* Sourdough Member – A deferred gift commitment to the Midnight Sun Council Endowment

James E West Fellowship: $1,000 or more in cash or market securities to the Midnight Sun Council Endowment Fund. Additional giving levels with this fellowship:

* Grand Teton Member – $2,500 minimum
* Pikes Peak Member – $5,000 minimum
* Mt. Whitney Member – $10,000 minimum
* Mt. McKinley Member – $15,000 minimum

1910 Society: $25,000 or more, outright or in a pledge payable within 5 years to the Midnight Sun Council Endowment. Additional giving levels within this fellowship:

* Ernest Thompson Seton Member – $25,000 minimum
* Daniel Carter Beard Member – $100,000 minimum
* Theodore Roosevelt Member – $500,000 minimum
* Waite Phillips Member – $1,000,000 minimum

The Founders Circle: $100,000 or more in the form of a deferred gift commitment to the Midnight Sun Council Endowment. Additional giving levels with this fellowship:

* Bronze Member – $100,000 minimum
* Silver Member – $250,000 minimum
* Gold Member – $500,000 minimum
* Platinum Member – $1,000,000 minimum

Endowment Emphasis
James E. West Fellowship Award Enrollment

James E. West Fellowship Recognition
Donor Recognitions
Major Gifts Recognition
Winthrop Rockefeller Award

Sporting Clays

13th Annual Sporting Clays

Come out and test your aim

at the Midnight Sun Councils

13th Annual Sporting Clays Event!


 You and 4 friends team up and come out August 3rd, 2024 at the Fairbanks Trap Club. You will shoot round robin style and compete for first place against other teams. Various door prizes and raffles will be conducted throughout the event. Make sure to get your tickets before they are sold out! (see article in this newsletter for more info) Event/Ammunition/Food sponsorships are available.

The event committee is looking for more help! If interested please contact CJ (info below).

Shooting Team fee of $500 includes lunch, pigeons, and shells. Team Captains can also sign up by contacting CJ at 🡪 Clinton.Stewart@Scouting.Org or calling (907) 452-1976. 


click here to view/download 2024 Shooting Clays Team sign up flier

click here to view/download 2024 Sponsor Request Letter

click here to view/download 2024 Sponsorship flier





12th Annual Sporting Clay Tournament



11th Annual Sporting Clay Tournament

10th Annual Sporting Clay Tournament





9th Annual Sporting Clays

2020Sporting Clays collage

due to COVID-19 in the area. The Bison Hunt Raffle drawing was still conducted by VFW Post 10029, along with other drawings for the door prizes for the members of the registered teams.

We’d like to thank all of our sponsors for the event and donors of the prizes. We ask everyone to please visit our sponsors and give them your support: Doyon Utilities LLC, Alaska Railroad, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Big Ray’s, Rod’s Alaskan Guide Service, Pike’s Landing, Bennett Engineering, Arctic Fire & Safety, Iron & Wood, Alaska Ammo, Independent Rental, and Frontier Outfitters.

8th Annual Sporting Clay Tourney, 2019

 A little rain didn’t dampen the spirits of this year’s Sporting Clay event held at the Fairbanks Trap Club.

Shall we say, it was a BLAST!?

      Shooting Clay 2019 1     Shooting Clay 2019 2

  Shooting Clay 2019 4      Shooting Clay 2019 5

  Shooting Clay 2019 3

The first place team went to those representing Fairbanks Memorial Hospital.

Money raised will go to help our Council’s programs.

Thank you to our Sponsors:


  Picture3       FMHLogo


 Sportsmans Warehouse Holdings Inc logo             big rays logo

 alaska railroad logo       frontier outfitters logo


pikes waterfront logo

7th Annual Sporting Clay Tourney, 2018

The Sporting Clays event was a huge succes this year. A great time was had by all!! We would like to take a moment to thank our sponsors and volunteers for their hard work and dedication.



Mariko Daly

Megan Stewart

Kevin O’Neal

Some pics from 2017 Sporting Clay Events

SC Collage 2017

SC Collage Sep2017News






Has your Unit thought about fundraising yet?


Have you Identified a Unit Popcorn Kernel? 



Hello Everyone, 

Below you will find the presentation and handouts in their digital form so you can print what you need for your Unit level kickoff. Also, please let me know when you do your kickoff, so that I can update the commission in the system. 

You must register your unit at 

And then go to the APP and register youth sellers.

Thanks, Good Luck with your sales! 


Here some helpful links for you to view/download:

2022 Popcorn Order Form

App Guide


For further Information please contact CJ at Clinton.Stewart@Scouting.Org or by calling the Council Service Center at (907) 452-1976




Trails End is discontinuing their scholarship program!

Here is what you need to know.

Scout families must turn in their 2019 scholarship forms by April 30, 2020.

Scouts enrolled in the scholarship by April 30, 2020, can continue to submit scholarship forms and their account will be credited 4% of their sales for the popcorn fundraiser in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Sales after December 31, 2022, will not be eligible for credits to a Scout’s scholarship account.

There will be no new Scout enrollments into the scholarship program after April 30, 2020.

Trails End will continue to pay out existing scholarship funds to eligible recipients under the current scholarship program.

Scholarship changes were decided by Trails End, not your local council.

Trails End will be notifying Scouts who sold $2,500+ in 2019, as well as active Scouts enrolled in the scholarship program.





Distinguished Citizens



scan QR code or click here

for Distinguished Citizen Banquet and Alaska Airline Raffle Tickets


or click on links below to view/download pdf forms:

click here to view/download 2024 Distinguished Citizen Banquet invite postcard

click here to view/download 2024 Distinguished Citizen Banquet response card

click here to view/download 2024 Distinguished Citizen Banquet Sponsor response card (fillable)



A big Thank you to our Sponsors!!


 Past Recipients:

Earl A. Cook, 1983 Harry “Red” Porter, 2000 Bert & Becky Bell, 2015
V. Paul Gavora, 1984 William G. Stroecker, 2001 C.B. Bettisworth, 2016
Leo Schlotfedlt, 1985 Betty L. Everts, 2002 Karen Perdue, 2016
Grace Berg Schaible, 1986 Skip Cook, 2003 Mike & Peggy Ferguson, 2017
Earl Hoover Beistline, 1987 Mary E. Binkley, 2004 Jo and Steve Heckman, 2018
Joseph Emil Usibelli, 1988 Glen Hackney, 2005 Bernie Karl & Connie Parks-Karl, 2019
Jeffrey J. Cook, 1989 Richard & Anna Frank, 2006 Glenner Anderson & Jerry Evans, 2021
Jo Ryman Scott, 1990 Dennis & Mary Wise, 2007  Steve Ginnis, 2022
Arthur Stephen Buswell, 1991 Chuck & Carolyne Wallace,


Carol & Jack Wilbur, 2023
William Ransom Wood, 1992  Jim Lund, 2009
Richard A. Wien, 1993  Michael K. Powers, 2010
Frank X. Chapados, 1994  Dermot Cole, 2011
Francis W. McGuigan, S.J.,


 Terrance Cole, 2011
 Mary Jane Fate, 1996  Nancy Hanson, 2012
V. Paul Gavora, 1997  Robert B. Groseclose, 2013
Michael T. Cook, 1998  Barbara L. Schuhmann, 2013
Paul & Jane Massey, 1999  Mike & Peggy Pollen, 2014