Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) Training
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation is a training event that introduces parents and leaders to the skills needed to plan and conduct pack outdoor activities, particularly pack camping.
Ask children why they want to be a Cub Scout, and nine times out of 10 they’ll answer “to go camping.” Cub Scouting has designed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training, so Cub Scouts, along with their parents or some other adult, can participate in a successful overnight camping experience.
In the future, leaders can organize a pack camp-out at a location approved by the local council. It is a great way for families to have fun and build confidence in outdoor skills. This kind of camping isn’t the rugged high adventure outing geared toward older Scouts. It is what you might call “soft camping”, where families can simply drive up to a campsite and pitch a tent within a few feet of their vehicle’s rear bumper. The emphasis is on family fun activities that don’t require lots of advanced outdoor skills.
How do you get started?
A member of your pack committee needs to attend BALOO training. The six-hour BALOO session will give your pack’s outdoor activity leader the tools to conduct a safe and successful overnight. The Outdoor portion will take place at a location approved by the local council.
An online course (Baloo Prerequisite Training) is also available through My.Scouting.org.
You can take the BALOO training online to replace the in person training sessions. You do NOT have to do the in person AND the online training. Its one or the other.
Completion BALOO classroom training or online training and outdoor portion will qualify Scouters to be certified to take their scout units family camping.
With proper planning and your BALOO-trained leader, your pack should be set for a fun and exciting weekend event.
UPCOMING BALOO Training Opportunities:
Save the Date for BALOO training!
Who: All Cub Scout adult leaders, interested parents, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members who would like camping as part of their pack program.
What: Cub Scout Outdoor Leadership Training
Where: TBA
Why: To take your Cub Scouts Camping!
When: May 10/11, 2024
start at 6pm on May 10th and end by noon on May 11.
The location and registration information will be released soon.
Cost: ($ TBA) per participant for food and supplies
Register and pay at:
Midnight Sun Council office
PREREQUISITE: BALOO Prerequisite Training V2 (35 minutes) on my.scouting.org
All participants will need to go online to My.Scouting.org to complete the pre-requisite BALOO training.
Sign in or create an account and remember passwords for this site. All currently registered members can call the Council office at 907-452-1976 for a member I.D. number and directions to My.Scouting.org. If you do not have an account, you can create one. BALOO candidates will need to complete BALOO pre-requisite training before attending the “Outdoor Experience”.
click here to view/download BALOO flyer and sign up sheet