Resources to make Cub Scout leaders stand up and do a cheer
BSA’s national cub scout staff have put together some fun activity videos that can be useful Cub Scout recruiting tools. The YouTube videos are short, 2 to 5 minutes, with a purpose and an activity. Activities are all requirements found in our program. They are not branded as BSA or Cub Scouts. click here to find links and more information
An awesome array of resources for Cub Scout leaders is designed to help you welcome new families to your pack, learn more about the Cub Scout program and recruit new leaders.
Regularly refreshing resources is just one way the BSA has your back as you deliver an amazing program to your Cub Scouts.

Online resources for families researching Cub Scouting
Shouldn’t researching Cub Scouting be as easy as shopping for a new pair of shoes?
Now it is. When prospective Cub Scouting families are ready to take a deeper dive into this transformative program, send them to
There, in plain language, families can explore how the program works and why it works that way.
More experienced leaders will find plenty to interest them, as well. Look for information on the new Cub Scout Preview Adventures, as well as resources for den leaders, Cubmasters and members of the pack committee.
Resources for recruiting Cub Scout leaders
Don’t try to tackle everything yourself. By recruiting more adults to serve as leaders in your pack or den, you’ll ease the burden on yourself while also broadening the experience for your Cub Scouts.
At this site of resources, look for the PDF titled “Selecting Cub Scout Leadership.” Inside this free document, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to finding the best person for each position in your pack.
The process focuses on matching the skills of adults in your pack with the skills needed for each vacant position. Before you know it, your pack will have all the help it needs to continue delivering an exceptional program.
And that’s truly something to celebrate. With s’mores, of course.