Black Pug Registration / FAQs for Resident Camp

Camp Reservation System: Creating and Editing your Profile

Setting up your Account – For Unit Leaders

*If you created an account for a prior council event, use that account. If you forgot your password, reset password.
Creating an account allows you to add your roster and keep that roster for future events to register quickly.


Registering For Events—For Unit Leaders

Starting a Registration:
Completing a Registration:

When you register for an event, you may notice that it first asks you for a Registration Contact.


This person is in charge of, or responsible for, that registration. Usually a parent or Unit Leader serves as the
Registration Contact, even if they are not necessarily attending the event.


Adding attendee information comes next, and these are all the people attending the event.


Registration Contact info is sometimes pre-filled for an adult slot since, most of the time, they are also
attending the event.


Some Registration Contact information is applied to all the attendees, like unit type and number, even though
you may not see it. For example, if you choose Troop 489 on the Registration Contact info page, that applies to
everyone on the registration unless asked specifically on an attendee. This is so you don’t have to choose the
unit type and number for each Scout.


Using the Parent Portal

Parent Portal: Unit Leader’s Guide
• Leaders: Please make sure you mark “Prevent parents from making payments”
• If parents want to pay online, they can use the links below.


Parent Portal Guide for Parents
To make a camp payment online:


o Midnight Sun Council: ResidentCamp Scout Payment
o Out of Council: ResidentCamp – Out of Council Scout Payment


Thank you, unit leaders and parents, for your patience as we learn to get our registrations online with Black Pug this year!


Black Pug Registration Questions: Contact Jodi Tansky 907-699-1409 or

Northern Lights High Adventure Base Treks

The premier Alaskan High Adventure outdoor experience for scouts.

Backpacking, hiking, canoeing, fishing and more!

Thank you for your interest in the programs of the Northern Lights High Adventure Base. The Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America, based in Fairbanks, Alaska, operates the Base.

The mission of the Base is to provide a remote outdoor experience to youth and adults within the Scouting program.

Things to consider when thinking about a trip of a lifetime to Alaska:

1. Alaska is twice the size of the state of Texas. It may look small on a map and the distance between two points may not appear to be that much, but rest assured it is— and there may not be a road to it.

2. The Northern Lights High Adventure Base does not provide support to units that have not booked their Alaska trip through the Base. If you would like to customize your trip, please let the Base do it for you. That’s what we do best.

3. The Base provides the following services for each trip; transfer to and from the airport (Fairbanks International Airport), all ground transportation, meals, most specialized equipment, camp stoves, drivers, and Trek Leaders. You will need to provide your own personal gear, tentage, water filters, and something to eat with.

4. The mission of the Northern Lights High Adventure Base is to provide a high adventure experience to the youth in the Scouting program. While we encourage parents to participate with their sons or daughters, the trips need to have 51% youth.

5. Travel days do not/are not counted in those days. Your unit can extend a trip by adding an additional week. Some units use this extra time to see Denali National Park, hike Gates of the Arctic National Park, float the Yukon River, or tour Alaska.

6. To secure your space for a trek, a deposit is required (amount depends on the trek). Half of the remaining amount is due February 1st of the year you are attending. The balance is due by June 1st, or 30 days prior to your trek, whichever is earlier.


After you have viewed all the available information on our website and have any other questions, or would like to discuss a trek in detail, please call us at 907-452-1976 or email to

Ready to Plan a Trek?

The first step to planning your Northern Lights High Adventure Expedition is to answer the following questions:

1) Which trek do we want to attend? See “Treks” tab on Top Menu for more information on the treks.

2) What day do we want to arrive? Arrival dates are flexible on a first come, first serve basis.

3) How long of a trip do we want? From 3 days to 3 weeks we have an option for you!

4) How many crews will we need? Some trips are restricted in size due to land use permits. See the “Fee” section in the “FAQ/Planning your trip” tab for more details.

Once you have answered all of the above questions, contact NLHA to make your reservation.

Upcoming Changes to Calendar in Scoutbook

As of  Thursday, April 4, 2024, Scoutbook will redirect all calendar functionality to, also known as Scoutbook Plus Internet Advancement.

This change is part of the migration of Scoutbook to Scoutbook Plus Internet Advancement due to the fact that Scoutbook is built on old classic ASP (Application Service Provider) which offers application services over the internet and needs to be retired.

Users have been given the opportunity to experience the new calendar since October 2023 by going directly to By providing calendar functionality in both platforms, developers have been able to receive and implement feedback while the old Scoutbook calendar was still in use.

The new calendar has added features such as the following:

-The ability to create recurring events such as unit, patrol, den, and committee meetings.
-Users can generate activity logs from events prefilled with event information
-An html editor for event descriptions
-An automatic update of event invitees when members join or leave a unit (available when Scoutbook calendar is fully retired)
-Quick entry for invitation and attendance

A user guide is available at Using Scoutbook Plus Internet Advancement Calendar (IA) – Scoutbook Knowledge Base (

A link will still be available to the Scoutbook Calendar (old) for a short time to assist users with the transition. Users can report issues with the calendar at Latest Scoutbook/New Calendar Bugs topics – Scouting Forums where experienced users with the new calendar are available to help troubleshoot.

University of Scouting

University of Scouting will be offered April 27, 2024.
Registration information, location and the final class list will be released soon.
Currently classes include:

How to use Scoutbook w/ Advancement tracking tips & coaching,

How to use My.Scouting w/ Coaching,

Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Cert (2 sessions),

Scouting in Cold Weather,

Intro to Cycling Gear,


Intro to Wildlife Safety,

Outdoor Cooking Basics,

Pack Committee Planning and Resources: Don’t Make it Complicated,

Unit Finances,

Where to Camp in the Interior,

Gear Demo,

Including Scouts w/ Special Needs


Running a Scouts’ Own Interfaith Service.


Golden Heart Clean Up Day is May 11, 2024cleanupdaybag

The Midnight Sun Council co-sponsors this community event. We hope that every Unit in the FNSB will participate in this event. Registration and Bag pickup will begin on April 29 and the Scout office is a registration and bag pickup location. We do need volunteers to help register people and pass out bags to the two weeks leading up to Clean Up Day. Contact Tasmine if you can help

click here to read more

Fall Camporee


2023 Fall Camporee

Hosted by Troops 56 & 65, Delta/Greely, Midnight Sun Council

We are excited to welcome you to a BSA weekend Camporee
focused on engineering and rocketry.




When:              August 25-27,2023

Where:            Delta Junction Buffalo Fields, Mile 1405.5 Alaska Highway (16 miles east of Delta Junction)

Early Bird Registration: $15 per person (through 11 August 2023)

Regular Rate: $20 per person  (12 – 25 August 2023)


For information:

Scoutmaster Steve Meurer 907-388-6551
Scoutmaster Andrea McCarrick: 907-616-0625
Join our Facebook group “Delta Greely BSA Camporee” (scan QR code in Leaders Guide)


Click here to view/download Leaders Guide

Click here to view/download Troop registration form

Council Rock


Cub Scout, Scouts BSA

 Council Rock 2024 

When: Sep 13-15th, 2024

Time: Activities start at 8:30 am Saturday

Where: Lost Lake Camp



How to Register for Council Rock 2023


1) Register Online: Scan QR code (on flyer) or click following link to access event:
2) Pack Leaders + Adults:
a. Be prepared to enter your YPT date when you register. (ie. YPT
needs to be up-to-date before your register).
b. Lions and Tigers must have a guardian present the whole event.
3) Once you submit the form you will be provided with a link to pay by credit card. Options for payment:
a. Cash or Check: Visit the Midnight Sun Council at 1400 Gillam Way Fairbanks, AK 99701 and submit payment.
b. Credit Card:
 i. Over the Phone: Call the council office and pay over the phone (907) 452-1976
Square accepts these forms of payment:
4) Registrants should receive a copy of their registration form via email. If you have any questions if your registration went through, please contact Stacy or Phil at the scout
5) Pack and Troop leaders will be responsible for ensuring two-deep leadership and current YPT prior to the event. They will be contacted by council office if we need to create cohorts or have lack of leaders attending. Our goal is to group scouts by rank to get the most out of their Lost Lake camp experience
Council Rock 24 Flyer to view/download
Council Rock 2024 Program Guide to view/download