Golden Heart Clean Up Day is May 11, 2024cleanupdaybag

The Midnight Sun Council co-sponsors this community event. We hope that every Unit in the FNSB will participate in this event. Registration and Bag pickup will begin on April 29 and the Scout office is a registration and bag pickup location. We do need volunteers to help register people and pass out bags to the two weeks leading up to Clean Up Day. Contact Tasmine if you can help

click here to read more

Council Rock


Cub Scout, Scouts BSA

 Council Rock 2024 

When: Sep 13-15th, 2024

Time: Activities start at 8:30 am Saturday

Where: Lost Lake Camp



How to Register for Council Rock 2023


1) Register Online: Scan QR code (on flyer) or click following link to access event:
2) Pack Leaders + Adults:
a. Be prepared to enter your YPT date when you register. (ie. YPT
needs to be up-to-date before your register).
b. Lions and Tigers must have a guardian present the whole event.
3) Once you submit the form you will be provided with a link to pay by credit card. Options for payment:
a. Cash or Check: Visit the Midnight Sun Council at 1400 Gillam Way Fairbanks, AK 99701 and submit payment.
b. Credit Card:
 i. Over the Phone: Call the council office and pay over the phone (907) 452-1976
Square accepts these forms of payment:
4) Registrants should receive a copy of their registration form via email. If you have any questions if your registration went through, please contact Stacy or Phil at the scout
5) Pack and Troop leaders will be responsible for ensuring two-deep leadership and current YPT prior to the event. They will be contacted by council office if we need to create cohorts or have lack of leaders attending. Our goal is to group scouts by rank to get the most out of their Lost Lake camp experience
Council Rock 24 Flyer to view/download
Council Rock 2024 Program Guide to view/download



Updated Safety Afloat Training

ScoutingU Releases Updated Safety Afloat Training

In collaboration with the BSA National Aquatics Subcommittee, ScoutingU has released an updated version of “Safety Afloat” online training that is also mobile compatible. Since the inception of Scouting, learning to swim and engaging in aquatics activities such as boating and paddle sports have been core to the program. Safe Afloat training is required for any BSA unit who will participate in boating activities. This online training ensures that adult leaders are prepared to facilitate safe use of canoes, kayaks, rowboats, rafts, floating tubes, sailboats, motorboats (including waterskiing), and other small craft. To access the updated training, log onto and search the catalog in the BSA Learn Center for “Safety Afloat.” For additional information regarding BSA aquatics programs, please refer to the Guide to Safe Scouting and the BSA’s Aquatics Supervision Guide.



Does Safety Afloat training have to be renewed?
Yes, adults supervising boating activities must have completed Safety Afloat training within the previous two years.

Do I need to take the new version of Safety Afloat training if my current training is not expired?
No, you can complete the updated version of Safety Afloat when your current certification expires.

Is Safety Afloat training available to take in person?
No, Safety Afloat is only available online. It is also mobile compatible.

Update to Scouts BSA joining requirements

Update to Scouts BSA joining requirements opens the door to more young people

While Scouts love to climb mountains and hike across rugged terrain, their path to joining Scouts BSA shouldn’t be met with similarly daunting obstacles. To that end, a change to the Scouts BSA joining requirements will make it easier for young people to join a troop alongside their friends and classmates.

Effective April 18, 2022, the Scouts BSA joining requirements have changed. They now state that a young person can be a member of Scouts BSA if they meet any of these requirements below.


New Scouts BSA joining requirements (effective April 18, 2022)

  • At least 10 years old, currently in the fifth grade and register on or after March 1


  • At least 10 years old and have earned the Arrow of Light Award 


  • At least 11 years old (but not yet 18)


As a reminder, the previous joining requirements stated that a young person could be a Scouts BSA member if they met any of the requirements below.

Old Scouts BSA joining requirements (prior to April 18, 2022)

  • At least 10 years old and have completed the fifth grade


  • At least 10 years old and have earned the Arrow of Light Award


  • At least 11 years old (but not yet 18)


In comparing the two sets of bullets, you can see that the change primarily applies to young people who are still in the fifth grade. Thanks to the change, a 10-year-old who wants to join a Scouts BSA troop in March of their fifth grade year (or beyond) is welcome to do so.


An option to cross over

Some parents might wonder whether a Cub Scout working on Arrow of Light must move to a Scouts BSA troop if they turn 11 but haven’t finished the rank.
The answer is no. The pack can continue to work on rank advancement as normal and move the Scout into a troop when they complete the rank or at the regular program roll-up in June.
In other words, the only mandatory crossover is when they have completed the fifth grade. Like all the other ranks in Cub Scouting, once school ends, the Cub Scout is now the next rank.