Lost Lake Camp Land Conveyance

The Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America, announces the conveyance of 230+ acres from the estate of Jim Moody, that are adjacent to Lost Lake Scout Camp about an hour south of Fairbanks.

LL land conveyance 2018

(The yellow green area in the picture is the original Lost Lake Scout Camp. The reddish area shows the newest addition through the generous donation of the Jim Moody Estate.)

We thank the Jim Moody Estate for its generous donation of the land and cabins, that will allow for broader programs for our Scouts, their families, and community organizations that utilize the camp for their programs.

Jim Moody, a lover of nature and the environment, wished that his land be used for the enjoyment of nature, outdoor activities, and conservation. Plans for this new section of Lost Lake Scout Camp, include hiking trails, outpost camping, and possibly an outdoor education center utilizing an existing cabin. To best meet the needs of our Scouts and the wishes of Jim Moody, our Properties & Camping Committee will be working with the Interior Alaska Land Trust to determine our best options going forward.


Den Chief Training


Den Chief Training




The new online Den Chief Training is now available for Scouts who are registered in troops, crews and ships.

The new online course identifies den chief responsibilities and tasks and describes the den chief’s relationship with supporting den leaders and how it relates to the den chief’s activities with the den.

At the end of the online training module, den chiefs can print their certificate of completion signifying they are trained for their position and fulfilling a requirement toward their Den Chief Service Award.

The training is available at https://www.scouting.org/youth/den-chief-training/.


Family Scouting Program


The Boy Scouts of America and Midnight Sun Council
WELCOME girls into Scouts!  

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The mission of the BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Effective immediately, we are proud to announce that our Cub Scouting program is now open to boys and girls in grades K-5. Starting in February of 2019, both boys and girls ages 11-17 will also be welcome to join Scouts BSA, previously known as our Boy Scout program. The organization name, Boy Scouts of America, will not change

The change stems from an overwhelming response from parents who want both their sons and daughters involved in innovative programs that also build character. In fact, recent surveys of parents not involved with Scouting showed high interest in getting their daughters signed up for programs like Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, with 90 percent expressing interest in a program like Cub Scouts and 87 percent expressing interest in a program like Boy Scouts.

It is important to note that the Cub Scouting and now Scouts BSA programs will not be co-ed. Instead, the BSA has introduced a unique model that builds on the benefits of a single-gender program while also providing character and leadership opportunities for both boys and girls. In Cub Scouts, girls and boys will be in an all-boy or all-girl den. In Scouts BSA, boys will form an all-boy troop while girls will form an all-girl troop.   

Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA will now join the ranks of Venturing, Sea Scouts, Exploring, and Learning for Life, in having young ladies involved in the programs.



familys scouting flyer  Family Scouting website


 BSA Family Scouting copy 3 650x489  The BSA Expands Programs to Welcome Girls from Cub Scouts to Highest Rank of Eagle Scout


BSA Chief interviewBSA Chief answers Scouters’ questions about welcoming girls into BSA.  





Family scouting overview.mp4

 family scouting 1


 Family Scouting  Q&A.mp4

Family Scouting 3




BSA Family Entry Fact Sheet

Family Scouting Q&A 

Girls Troops FAQ

Program talking points for all Family Scouting June 2018

Scouts BSA 06.06.18

Scouts BSA Cub Scout Message Card(1)

The Programs of Scouting


Aviation Explorers Post 747

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Have you ever thought about a career at the airport?


Aviation career exploring is a hands-on program open to young men and women ages 14-20 years old with an interest in learning more about aviation careers.

Check out the Fairbanks International Airport Operators Council explorer post #747 for youth ages 14-20 to explore careers in aviation.

Some careers you can explore with us:
pilot, flight attendant, police/fire, mechanic, food and beverage, air traffic control, UAS/drone operations, airline ground crew, TSA, airport operations and more!


Young men and women age 14 (with completion of 8th grade) through 20 years old are welcome to apply

Click here for our current flyer and application


Questions? Find us on facebook or email faiexplorerpost747@gmail.com

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Exploring exists to teach important life and career skills to young people from all backgrounds through immersive career experiences and mentorship provided by community and business leaders like you. Together, we equip young people with character, leadership and life skills that can be used both today and in their future careers.

Exploring is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between youth and the organizations in their communities. Businesses and community organizations initiate a career-specific Explorer post or club by matching their people and organizational resources to the career interests of youth in the community. The result is a program of interactive activities that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, and develop.

We work with thousands of local, regional, and national businesses and organizations to deliver the Exploring programs representing hundreds of different career fields.


Click here to view the national Exploring webpage for more information


Click the following links to learn more about our local Explorer Posts:

Aviation:   Explorer Post 747

Fire:             Explorer Post

JROTC Exploring: JROTC Post

Learning for Life-Main


Learning for Life is a character education program designed to support schools and community- based organizations in their efforts to prepare youth to successfully handle the complexities of our contemporary society. Our curriculum prepares students to enhance their self-confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. The program uses age-appropriate, grade-specific lesson plans to give youth skills and information that will help them make positive decisions for themselves, their families and their futures.


Learning for Life makes academic learning fun and relevant to real-life situations in age appropriate and grade specific material. As a result, the positive character traits and skills learned by participation in Learning for Life not only make students more confident and capable, but also give them an invaluable understanding of how things work in the real world. Schools will see higher attendance rates and fewer disciplinary actions.



Respect           Responsibility             Honesty/Trust         Caring/Fairness         Perseverance       
  Self-Discipline             Life Skills               Courage          Citizenship

Learning for Life incorporated in 1991 as a nonprofit organization. We have 264 local offices across the country and also serve international education institutions. Since our incorporation, we have served over two million youth who will grow up to be our future leaders.


Click here to visit the national Learning for Life website  for more information