Scouts BSA Resident Camp

2025 Camp Dates

July 13 – July 19 Midnight Sun Council Resident Camp

2025 Camp Registration

PLEASE click the link below to register:

 2025 Scout Resident Summer Camp Reservation Form

2025 Leader’s Guide (coming soon)

Health and Medical Records

Please remember that all parts of the Medical Record (A, B, and C) must be filled out for both Scouts and Adults before Camp!

Black Pug Registration / FAQs for Resident Camp


2025 Camp Fees

Early Bird Rate is available until May 31, 2025


In Council Fees:

 Early Bird Rate w/FOS Discount* $370/per Scout
 Early Bird Rate $390/per Scout
 Regular Rate w/FOS Discount* $430/per Scout
 Regular Rate $450/per Scout

Out of Council Fees:

 Early Bird Rate $410/per Scout
 Regular Rate $470/per Scout
Fee for Adults**:


Refunds *** and Camperships ****


*Friends of Scouting (FOS) discounts are available to troops from Midnight Sun Council in recognition of meeting their FOS goal before the victory celebration.

 **Leaders Fee – Each leader that comes to camp will be $150 per adult. Any adults who attend for only a day or two pay a prorated fee of $40 per day. One Leader Fee will be waived for each eight registered scouts attending camp for each unit. (Two free leaders per unit maximum)

***Refund Policy – All fees are refundable, with the exception of the unit’s initial non-refundable deposit, until June 1, 2024. After June 2, fees are nonrefundable and cannot be transferred to another unit. No refund will be given if a Scout or leader was sent home for disciplinary action or inattention to Safe Scouting standards. In addition, if a Scout or leader chooses to leave camp early, no refund will be given. Refunds for extenuating circumstances must be requested in writing to the Earl & Pat Cook Service Center and received no later than one week following departure from camp.

****Camperships are available only to Midnight Sun Council Scouts. There are a limited number to help Scouts in need of financial assistance. Applications are available at the Earl & Pat Cook Service Center. They are due before the end of the business day on May 1, 2024.


2025 Scouts BSA Resident Camp forms:

Camp Guide (coming soon)

Health & Medical Record

Campership – Scholarship Assistance Application

The Scouts BSA resident camp experience provides an excellent forum for Troop, Team, and Crew members to hone their existing skills and learn new ones all while having fun in the great Alaskan outdoors. It is a place of learning, meeting new friends, and just having fun.
Scouts BSA resident camp is an important part of every youth’s Scouting experience. It provides memorable experiences. Swimming, boating, shooting sports, mountain boards and Project COPE will provide both traditional Scouting activities and new and unique experiences. Every Scout needs to attend Scouts BSA resident camp because every Scout will be positively impacted by Scouts BSA resident camp experiences while having copious amounts of fun just not possible anywhere else.
Scouts BSA resident camp doesn’t just help the Scout. Scouts BSA resident camp will also strengthen every Troop, Team or Crew that attends. The single week spent at Lost Lake Scout Camp this summer will build the year-round program of each Scouting unit. If our goal is truly to impact more young people, then summer camp must be a part of our year-round program.

 2024 Lost Lake Scout Camp

Happenings and Recap

click here or on picture below to view Slide Show Video from George Stover – Vimeo

 2022 Lost Lake Scout Camp Happenings and Recap

click here or on picture below to view Slide Show Video from George Stover – Vimeo


 The Midnight Sun Council sends out a big thank you to all the units who attended, to all of the staff and volunteers who made it possible, and to all those who work behind the scenes to make scouting in Alaska the rich and rewarding experience it is. We hope to see you all next year!


VIDEO:    Lost Lake Scout Camp – Summer Camp – July 15

VIDEO:    Lost Lake – Friday Night Camp Fire and Awards  –  from George Stover on Vimeo.

VIDEO:    Lost Lake Scout Camp – What Scouts are saying  –   from George Stover on Vimeo.

VIDEO:    Lost Lake Scout Camp – July 3-17, 2021 slideshow  –  from George Stover on Vimeo.

Lost Lake Scout Camp

Lost Lake Scout Camp is on over 600 acres located 58.5 miles south of Fairbanks on the Richardson Highway at the end of Lost Lake Road. The camp lies between the Tanana River and Birch Lake on the beautiful 90 acre Lost Lake.

The Midnight Sun Council has taken an aggressive roll to improve the camp facilities and keep up with changing times. We now have a full-time ranger, year round dining hall facility, ADA accessible campsite, new water system, year-round classroom availability, and cabins with new and improved wood stoves. It is a wonderful setting to have an event or to just enjoy the natural beauty of Alaska.

Along with Scouts BSA Resident Camp, Lost Lake Camp is the home for the Northern Lights High Adventure Base. A nationally accredited High Adventure Base that specializes in Alaskan outdoor adventure such as, whitewater and flat water canoeing and backpacking.

It is also home to many other programs put on by Becoming an Outdoor Woman (BOW), Interior Alaska Wilderness Search & Rescue, and the Midnight Sun Flycasters to name a few.

During the off-season, Lost Lake can be rented by outside groups for camps, conferences, or other events.

Map to Lost Lake Scout Camp

Map of Lost Lake Scout Camp 2

Map of Lost Lake Scout Camp 3


Scout Shop


The Scout Shop is located at the Earl and Pat Cook Service Center at 1400 Gillam Way. Phone: 907-452-1976


The Scout Shop and Council office will be closed

Monday:  9 am to 5 pm  in observance of the following Holidays:
Tuesday: 9 am to 5 pm
Wednesday: 9 am to 5 pm
Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm
Friday:  9 am to 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed


** Please Note** 

The Midnight Sun Council Office will automatically be closed if the temperature hits -50 F by 8:00 AM.
Temperature reading can be checked by calling 907-488-1111.

Rural Alaska Scouting Initiative

What is it?

In late 2013 the Midnight Sun Council Executive Board agreed that we were underserving both the communities off the road system and Alaska Native youth at large. It was resolved that an Outreach program be created to connect more strongly to these communites in the Midnight Sun Council’s service area. The BSA National Council agreed fully with the resolution and awarded a grant to the Council to help pursue this initiative. In mid-2014 a full time paraprofessional Outreach Director was hired to coordinate this program’s efforts.

Mission and Purpose

To bring the benefits and programs of Scouting to rural and underserved communities in the Interior and North Slope regions of Alaska through the efforts and commitment of the Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America’s staff and volunteers.

Who is this for?

This program aims to bring youth from Alaskan communities off the road system and Alaska Native youth at large in to the family of Scouting. We plan on engaging with rural and tribal governments, schools, and community organizations to establish traditional Scouting Packs, Troops and Crews, as well as the more scholastic and job oriented Learning for Life programs.

Where is this happening?

While a good portion of the work will take place in Alaskan Bush communities, some of the Outreach programs will happen locally in the Tanana Valley. This will happen through a creation of one or two new Outreach focused Units as well as interfacing with established Units.

How can you help?

If you have experience working in the Bush or with the Alaska Native community we want to hear from you! If you have knowledge, time and ideas to share, we want to hear from you! You can reach the Scout Executive: Stephen Smith by phone locally at 907-452-1976, toll free at 1-800-973-1976, or via email at

Fall Camporee


2024 Fall Camporee

Amazing Race Camporee!

Scouts will race in patrols to complete eight different Scout skills and try to be the first to cross the finish line. 

To be able to get access to Fort Wainwright we


to be registered with Full Name and DOB!


Final Day for Registration is September 24, 2024

When:              September 27th – 29th, 2024

Where:          Glass Park, Fort Wainwright, Alaska (directions forthcoming in Leaders’ Guide and via Scoutmaster email correspondence)


Early Bird Registration:  $20 until 9/18/2024

Regular Rate: $25 from 9/19/2024 – 9/24/2024


click here to register for this event

click here to view/download 2024 Fall Camporee Leaders Guide

Annual Dinner Recognition Banquet

2024 Eagle Scout  and  Volunteer Recognition Annual Dinner


 Saturday, February 17, 2024

Reception—6:00 p.m., Dinner—6:30 p.m.

Binkley Room, Pike’s Waterfront Lodge

$40.00/person (we lowered the price!)

The Midnight Sun Council has a proud tradition of bringing the best possible Scouting experience to the youth of our community.

In 2023 we served 8,898 young people in the interior of Alaska with programs that build character, personal fitness, and citizenship. Each year the Midnight Sun Council recognizes the unselfish, grass-roots service of its volunteers at an annual dinner in their honor. This year we plan on honoring:

•Eagle Scouts from the 2023 Eagle Scout Class

•James E. West Fellowship Award recipients

•Local volunteers for the Council Silver Beaver Award

•Local volunteers for the District Award of Merit

•Veteran Award recipient

•Unit Leader Award of Merit

•Incoming Board and District volunteers

Your participation in this dinner will pay special tribute to these deserving Scouts and Scouters and will underscore the importance of the Scouting program as our council continues a proud history of service to this community. We have a great program planned for the evening.


Click here for more information and RSVP


Space is limited, reservations are required.

Call 907-452-1976 or visit the Council Office to RSVP by February 7th, 2024

Order of the arrow

Toontuk Lodge #549 

(click this title or image on left to go to Lodge homepage)   

For more than 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich and help to extend Scouting to America’s youth.


The mission of the Order of the Arrow is to fulfill its purpose as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected and capable adults.


As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to: Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselved in a way that warrants similar recognition. Promote camping, responsible outdoor adventure and envirionmental stewardship as essential components of every Scout’s experience, in the unit, year-round, and in summer camp. Develop leaders with the willingness, character, spirit and ability to advance the activities of their units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ultimately our Nation. Crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.

 Click here for Toontuk Lodge  #549  Homepage

Click here for Upcoming Events

Welcome at Midnight Sun Council

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