Cub Scout Electives to be Retired in 2022

Be sure to click on the link below for the latest in Cub Scout elective adventures that will be retired next year.

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Nineteen Cub Scout elective adventures will be retired next year

Details on the 19 Cub Scout Elective Adventures Being Retired in May of 2022
To keep the Cub Scouting Adventure program relevant, elective adventures are reviewed for content and popularity.

The elective adventures to be retired are as follows:
• Family Stories, Rank: Tiger, SKU: 619922
• Earning Your Stripes, Rank: Tiger, SKU: 619925
• Tiger Tales, Rank: Tiger, SKU: 619930
• Tiger Theater, Rank: Tiger, SKU: 619931
• Collections and Hobbies, Rank: Wolf, SKU: 619940
• Grow Something, Rank: Wolf, SKU: 619944
• Hometown Heroes, Rank: Wolf, SKU: 619947
• Motor Away, Rank: Wolf, SKU: 619950
• Beat of the Drum, Rank: Bear, SKU: 619958
• World of Sound, Rank: Bear, SKU: 619960
• Make it Move, Rank: Bear, SKU: 619963
• Robotics, Rank: Bear, SKU: 619968
• Looking Back Looking Forward, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619978
• Maestro, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619979
• Project Family, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619997
• Build My Hero, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619992
• Adventures in Science, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619989
• Fix It, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619975
• Movie Making, Rank: Webelos/AOL, SKU: 619982

Trail to Eagle Info

The Eagle Scout Rank 


(source:Guide to Advancement/Eagle Scout Rank/section 9:

Since 1912, the Eagle Scout rank has represented a milestone of accomplishment—perhaps without equal—that is recognized across the country and even the world. Those who have earned the Eagle Scout rank count it among their most treasured achievements. “Eagle Scout” is not just an award; it is a state of being. Those who earned it as youth continue to earn it every day as adults. That is why an Eagle Scout IS an Eagle Scout—not was.

Over the more than 100 years since the first Eagle, a formal application process has evolved that is important in maintaining the award’s well-recognized prestige. 



The following links are intended to aid in submitting the application and accompanying materials:

– Midnight Sun Council Eagle Scout Candidate Checklist

– Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook download

–  Trail to Eagle (Eagle Scout Project Workbook pdf file)

–  Service Project Planning Checklist

–  Safe Project Tool Use

– Clarification – MB Citizenship in Society

Youth Protection Training Modules Update

Updated Youth Protection Training Modules

Over the decades, the Boy Scouts of America has been a leader in developing training and policies designed to keep young people safe. Over time, these policies have become standard with organizations across the nation. True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety at the national, regional, area, council, district, and unit levels.

We have heard your feedback and are now releasing updates to the mandatory online Youth Protection Training to include items such as:
• New mobile friendly design.
• Updates to the certification test to make questions less ambiguous.
We will communicate when this new release is available – the target date is June 1st, 2021. It is recommended that anyone who has started the online training prior to this date complete the training as the new versions will cause the loss of any progress in a module.

Youth Protection Training Modules Update

Youth Protection Training Will Be Updated on June 1




• This does not change the frequency that an individual must take Youth Protection training. It continues to be two years and the renewal continues to be based on the date you took YPT.
• There are no large changes to the content, rather small adjustments.


Over the decades, the Boy Scouts of America has been a leader in developing training and policies designed to keep young people safe. Over time, these policies have become standard with organizations across the nation. True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety at the national, regional, area, council, district, and unit levels.

We have heard your feedback and are now releasing updates to the mandatory online Youth Protection Training to include items such as:
• New mobile friendly design.
• Updates to the certification test to make questions less ambiguous.

We will communicate when this new release is available – the target date is June 1st, 2021.

It is recommended that anyone who has started the online training prior to this date complete the training as the new versions will cause the loss of any progress in a module.


Each year many of the Midnight Sun Council supporters contribute their Friends of Scouting donations through the Pick Click Give option.

This is just another option which allows Alaskan residents to pledge and pay a portion of their Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) in support of the youth, volunteers, and Scouting. Below is a link that takes you right to the Councils summary on the PFD webpage. This is a great way to pledge now and pay later.

The deadline to make adjustments for donations from the 2023 PFD is August 31, 2023.

For more information, please contact CJ at Clinton.Stewart@Scouting.Org


Cub Scout Adult Leader Training

The Cub Scout English E-Learning and Facilitated  Adult Training have been updated to match current Cub Scout Program changes and updates to include using Scoutbook – especially in relation to conducting a Cub Scout Den Meeting using the Den Leader Experience. 
The new modules are available in the BSA Learn Center, and the following modules have been updated:
-Conducting a Cub Scout Den Meeting Annual Program Planning
-Cub Scout Uniforms
-Conducting a Cub Scout Pack Meeting Resources
-Involving Adults in Cub Scouting
-Conducting a Cub Scout Pack Committee Meeting
-The new English Facilitated materials can be downloaded from the page or by clicking here.
We encourage even those already position trained to accomplish the new modules so they are current with the latest program changes.
Cub Scout-Leader-Training-Facilitator-Guide

Midnight Sun Council News

Don’t miss the Midnight Sun Council News!


 – Midnight Sun Council Response to National Chapter 11 Prospect 

 – The Boy Scouts of America and Midnight Sun Council

   WELCOME girls into Scouts! 

 – Outpost Alaska and North American Honda donated a total

   of nine 4-wheelers to the Boy Scouts!!
 –Midnight Sun Council Statement on LDS Changes
 – Lost Lake Land Conveyance 

Volunteer of the month


 Jamie Banaszewski volunteer month

Jamie Banaszewski is an amazing volunteer in her work life as well as in other things that need her. She volunteers to be the female Scoutmaster for Troop 38 when we would not have had another person be able to do it full time. In her work life she constantly stays behind the close, even if it’s not her building that needs to be closed. She puts others’ needs before her own and this makes her a caring and amazing person. With the troop she volunteers at almost all the events or volunteer events. She volunteers herself whereever she’s needed even if she doesn’t want too.


Thanks for all that you do, Jamie!