Online Internet Rechartering 2.0
Some of its key characteristics:
o Simpler and easier to use
o Accessible through Internet Advancement (
o Same login as for Scoutbook
o No access codes necessary
o Single screen for all data review and validation
o Uploads of new applications, YPT, or CBC forms easy to manage
o Will be used for ALL units, including Exploring Posts and Clubs
o Easy electronic approval by COR or designee
o Payment at Scout Service Center
o Commissioner Dashboard will be available to monitor unit progress
Check out available resources:
o Recharter Training Video
Please share with your units that might need additional guidance on using the Online Recharter system and system updates.
Charter Renewal Exception for 18-year-old Venturing and Sea Scouts Members
An unintended consequence of our change in registration requirements has placed a burden on units, districts, and councils in getting high school students currently registered in our Venturing and Sea Scouts programs who turn 18 during their senior year to complete an adult application and take Youth Protection Training in order to recharter. Effective immediately, the following exception will be introduced:
Adult Application Exception
Application: To any youth member during the year of high school graduation who:
1. Turns 18 years of age;
2. Is actively participating and registered in the same Venturing or Sea Scouts program unit as they were before turning 18; and
3. Meets one or more of the following:
1. Has not yet graduated from high school;
2. Has graduated from high school, been accepted to attend college but has not yet started classes;
3. Has graduated from high school, enlisted in the armed forces, and is scheduled to report but has not yet reported for duty;
4. Has graduated from high school, applied to serve in a service or religious program, (e.g., ministry, mission, VISTA, Peace Corps, etc.) but has not yet begun their service.
Exception: A youth member who becomes an adult program participant or Scouter by virtue of turning 18 years of age who and for so long as they meet the requirements and continuously maintain their registration in the same unit does not need to submit an adult application or complete Youth Protection Training. The exception is no longer applicable if the requirements are no longer met or after December 31 of the year of graduation, whichever is sooner.
As a part of the Charter Renewal process, the paperwork will indicate that new Venturing participants need to complete the Adult Application and take Youth Protection Training. For any other youth registrant age 18 or over who is continuously registered in the same unit, please disregard the warning.
Additionally, when processing the charter, the registrar may receive a warning, but again, disregard this (warnings maybe disregarded, whereas errors must be resolved) and complete the charter renewal process.
For any questions, please contact the Council Office at 452-1976