Eagle Scholarship

Eagle Scholarship



Reminder: NESA Scholarship Application starts December 1st.

December 1st the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) starts accepting applications from eligible Scouts for the 2024 scholarship season. In 2023, NESA granted scholarships to 69 NESA members awarding over $520,000 in funds. Help spread the word and secure scholarships for Eagle Scouts in your council!

Applicants can join here and visit nesa.org/scholarships/ to learn more about how to apply.


Application Requirements:

Eagle Board of Review date must be before January 24, 2024
Eagle Scout must be a member of the National Eagle Scout Association
May apply for scholarships beginning in senior year of high school through junior year in an undergraduate program or by the halfway point of an associate degree program or skilled trade program
Applications must be completed and submitted by 11:5p p.m. CST on January 31, 2024

See the site below for information, and encourage your Eagle Scouts to apply.
Scholarships – The National Eagle Scout Association (nesa.org)

The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) has recently implemented new pricing for its membership.
NESA requests that all new Eagle Scouts should now be directed to https://nesa.org/ to complete their NESA membership applications.

All NESA scholarship applications must be submitted online. Paper copies from previous years are out of date and will not be accepted.



– Eagle Scouts may apply for NESA scholarships beginning in their senior year of high school through their junior year in college.
– Recipients may receive a NESA scholarship one time only.
– NESA scholarships are available to Eagle Scouts attending four-year colleges or universities, vocational trade schools, and other approved programs.
– NESA scholarships are not available to students attending any of the U.S. military academies.
– NESA scholarships are not available to graduate students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree


For more information click here


National BSA News


– Minor Modifications to Scouts BSA Rank Requirements (6/24/2022) 

– 2021 BSA Ceremonies and Campfire Guidance

-New Online Training for Distinguished Conservation Service Award

– Scouting.org is now on Workplace 

– SAFE Transportation Checklist (6/4/2021)

– Cub Scout Elective Adventures to be Retired in 2022 (5/15/2021)

– BSA Online Application Access Extended

Be Cyber Smart 

Completely updated online registration site! 

BSA COVID-19 Updates Final Advancement pdf

– Q&A Regarding COVID-19 Related Advancement Difficulties 

– Can packs, troops or crews participate in political rallies?

– A Message from the Chief Scout Executive – Membership Fee

– Internet Advancement 2.0 

– Prorated Fee for Transfers to Extended Registration and Subscriptions

 – New Online Den Chief Training Now Available

 – ***NEW*** BSA Parents

 – Important changes to Membership Card and Charter Certificate Printing Requirements

 – Find BSA Products on Amazon



Camp Builders!

Camp Builders!

 construction worker


The Midnight Sun Council is looking for a number of individuals that would be interested in joining our Camp Builders program.  

The Camp Builders are individuals interested in improving our camp, Lost Lake.  They will assist Ranger Rick in minor maintenance work, such as painting, hammering, etc.            

Professional skills are not necessary, but a willingness to help out is.  If you are interested in periodically going to camp, please contact Stephen at Stephen.smith@scouting.org or call the Earl & Pat Cook Service Center at 907-452-1976.  

Come join our team today!


Recharter information






Online Internet Rechartering 2.0


Some of its key characteristics:

o Simpler and easier to use
o Accessible through Internet Advancement (advancements.scouting.org)
o Same login as for Scoutbook
o No access codes necessary
o Single screen for all data review and validation
o Uploads of new applications, YPT, or CBC forms easy to manage
o Will be used for ALL units, including Exploring Posts and Clubs
o Easy electronic approval by COR or designee
o Payment at Scout Service Center
o Commissioner Dashboard will be available to monitor unit progress


Check out available resources:

o Recharter Training Video


 Please share with your units that might need additional guidance on using the Online Recharter system and system updates.




Charter Renewal Exception for 18-year-old Venturing and Sea Scouts Members

An unintended consequence of our change in registration requirements has placed a burden on units, districts, and councils in getting high school students currently registered in our Venturing and Sea Scouts programs who turn 18 during their senior year to complete an adult application and take Youth Protection Training in order to recharter. Effective immediately, the following exception will be introduced:

Adult Application Exception
Application: To any youth member during the year of high school graduation who:
1. Turns 18 years of age;
2. Is actively participating and registered in the same Venturing or Sea Scouts program unit as they were before turning 18; and
3. Meets one or more of the following:
             1. Has not yet graduated from high school;
             2. Has graduated from high school, been accepted to attend college but has not yet started classes;
             3. Has graduated from high school, enlisted in the armed forces, and is scheduled to report but has not yet reported for duty;
             4. Has graduated from high school, applied to serve in a service or religious program, (e.g., ministry, mission, VISTA, Peace Corps, etc.) but has not yet begun their service.

Exception: A youth member who becomes an adult program participant or Scouter by virtue of turning 18 years of age who and for so long as they meet the requirements and continuously maintain their registration in the same unit does not need to submit an adult application or complete Youth Protection Training. The exception is no longer applicable if the requirements are no longer met or after December 31 of the year of graduation, whichever is sooner.

As a part of the Charter Renewal process, the paperwork will indicate that new Venturing participants need to complete the Adult Application and take Youth Protection Training. For any other youth registrant age 18 or over who is continuously registered in the same unit, please disregard the warning.

Additionally, when processing the charter, the registrar may receive a warning, but again, disregard this (warnings maybe disregarded, whereas errors must be resolved) and complete the charter renewal process.

For any questions, please contact the Council Office at 452-1976 



Helpful Websites

For Everyone:

scouting.org – National website for the Boy Scouts of America
my.scouting.org – Website for adult leader training
usscouts.org – A plethora of information regarding all Scouting resources and information
scoutlife.org – Boy’s Life Magazine website
scoutingmagazine.org – All of the content from Scouting Magazine
scoutstuff.org – Online store for all Scouting products
Good turn for America Hours – Site to log all Good Turn service hours for each unit

Boy Scouts

boyscouttrail.com – Site for finding merit badge requirements and worksheets
nesa.org – National Eagle Scout Association webpage
ntier.org – Northern Tier website for High Adventure
scouting.org/philmont – Philmont Training Center website


wrventuring.org – Western Region Venturing website
venturing.info – Includes information on programming and general information


Council policies, resources and forms

Midnight Sun Council Local Forms

100 below – 40 below form
District Award of Merit Form
Silver Beaver Nomination Form
Campership-Scholarship Packet

Other Forms

Annual Health and Medical Records
Merit Badge Counselor Information form (fillable)
Midnight Sun Council – Merit Badge Counselor Application
Forms on the National Website


Guide to Safe Scouting 

– Updated Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse with additional resource information

– Updated prohibited activities (eliminating hunting exemption)

– Updated Age-Appropriate Chart

Scouting-Boating Safety Alert

Guide to Advancement 2025 pdf

Friends of Scouting Pledge Card

Scouting.org Page Relaunch on Incident Reporting

Navigating Incidents: Guide for Units

Other Resources

National Summertime Pack Award

Tour Plan now available at: www.my.scouting.org   

Guideline to Update and Maintain the BeAScout.org  Unit pins (PDF) 

Scouting Safely  – WE want you to know that the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees is an important part of the Scouting experience…….(click here to read more)

Restart Scouting Checklist

BSA Ceremonies and Campfire Guidance (12/2021)


Scout BSA Program Resource Page

Scouts BSA  Program Updates Page


Scholarship Applications, Awards, and Student Contests

NESA – Beyond your Board of Review (Scholarships)

SAR – Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award

VFW Scout of the Year Program – Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States recognizes individuals who are Eagle Scouts, Girl Scout Gold Award recipients, Venture Summit Award recipients, and/or Sea Scout Quartermasters who have risen above their peers in exemplifying the qualities of that rank. Please review the linked materials (end of this paragraph) to see if you know someone who may qualify and share the application with them. A Scout may enter the contest through one VFW Post only. Locally, we have VFW Post 3629 in Fairbanks, and VFW Post 10029 in North Pole. Remember to choose just one to apply through. Deadline to apply is March 1st. – Scout of the Year Brochure and Entry Form

VFW – Teacher of the Year Award Brochure

VFW –  Voice of Democracy